Cities are embracing employee ownership (EO) as an economic development strategy that delivers both growth and equity. To further explore how, why and where, Employee Ownership News has started a new series focused on urban ecosystems. Take a look at our first two stories to see how:
· Durham, NC, is seeking to maintain the legacy of African-American owned businesses by supporting employee-ownership conversions, and
· Miami-Dade county is hoping to jump start economic development with an investment from JP Morgan Chase targeted at growing EO.
New Employee Ownership Models
ESOPs are a popular form of employee ownership in the U.S., where they are supported by tax incentives. But ESOPs aren’t the only model for growing EO. Read our recent article on how the British Perpetual Trust differs from the ESOP, and may provide a simpler EO structure.
The employee-owned B Corporation is another promising enterprise design. In a recent Fast Company op ed, Marjorie Kelly explores how this model is well-suited to tackling the two greatest challenges of the 21st century: climate change and social inequality.
Learn more about how B Corporations are embracing more inclusive ownership in our recent article from B the Change.
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