Employee Ownership News

Denver’s Center for Community Wealth Building Accelerates Growth of Worker Cooperatives
Kaiser Permanente has awarded Denver’s Center for Community Wealth Building (CCWB) $360,000 for a three-year initiative to launch six to nine new cooperatives.
Patagonia “Exits to Climate”
A win for capitalism but a mixed bag for stakeholder governance.
SSBCI TA Grant Applications Due in October
The U.S. Department of the Treasury is now soliciting applications for technical assistance grants,.
Employee Ownership Finds Its Way into Federal Legislation
The recently passed CHIPS and Science Act is one of several federal bills that could advance employee ownership.
Kaiser Permanente Pilots Community Wealth Building Strategy Focused on Employee Ownership Conversions
One of the country’s largest health systems has launched a unique initiative focused on transitioning their suppliers to employee ownership.
Is Your Co-op Measuring Its Social Capital?
Co-ops don’t always show an immediate financial return, but that doesn’t mean they are failing.
Will Equity Shares Improve Outcomes for Workers?
This seems like a time of messy growth for employee ownership.

Employee Ownership and Ecological Sustainability

International Employee Ownership Organizations Endorse Corporate Responsibility
Growing momentum to put social purpose at the center of employee ownership firms.
In Brief: Employee Ownership News Updates, October 2020
Books, films, conference updates and more
ASBC Recommends “Creating an Economic System that Works for All”
New report calls for broadening employee ownership, among other recommendations.

Cities and states accelerating the employee-owned economy

Denver’s Center for Community Wealth Building Accelerates Growth of Worker Cooperatives
Kaiser Permanente has awarded Denver’s Center for Community Wealth Building (CCWB) $360,000 for a three-year initiative to launch six to nine new cooperatives.
Is Your Co-op Measuring Its Social Capital?
Co-ops don’t always show an immediate financial return, but that doesn’t mean they are failing.
States Advance Employee Ownership Legislation
Efforts to create state offices to support employee ownership transitions moving forward.

21st century models for employee ownership
Is Your Co-op Measuring Its Social Capital?
Co-ops don’t always show an immediate financial return, but that doesn’t mean they are failing.
Will Equity Shares Improve Outcomes for Workers?
This seems like a time of messy growth for employee ownership.

Getting to fifty million: scaling employee ownership

Denver’s Center for Community Wealth Building Accelerates Growth of Worker Cooperatives
Kaiser Permanente has awarded Denver’s Center for Community Wealth Building (CCWB) $360,000 for a three-year initiative to launch six to nine new cooperatives.
SSBCI TA Grant Applications Due in October
The U.S. Department of the Treasury is now soliciting applications for technical assistance grants,.
Employee Ownership Finds Its Way into Federal Legislation
The recently passed CHIPS and Science Act is one of several federal bills that could advance employee ownership.
UK Announces Surge in Employee-Owned Businesses
Number of employee-owned businesses doubled since 2020
Can ESOPs Help Recreate Social Trust in America?
Increased economic security and participation at work could strengthen democracy.
Apis & Heritage Brings Justice Lens to ESOP Transitions
Fund completes its first two deals, impacting 150-plus workers
Elevating Home Care Together
Elevate Cooperative — a new national network made up of home care cooperatives pooling resources and working together — aims to change the future of home care.
Andrea Dehlendorf: Working with Private Equity to Make Jobs Better
Americans need to better understand the role of Wall Street and private equity in our economy.
Andrea Armeni: An Opportunity to Spur Deep Structural Change
Ownership Works can be a conversation starter and spur conversations about who is creating the value and who should capture it.
Editor: Karen Kahn. Contact: info@fiftybyfifty.org